Ustawi Afrika
Answer Discrete Questions About Operating a 501(c)(3)
Assist a Kenyan non-profit empowering rural communities by providing a consultation around discrete questions related to operating a 501(c)(3) in the United States.
Referred by:
Jurisdictions: U.S.
About the Organization: Ustawi Afrika works to empower rural communities in semi-arid regions of Kenya through a collective, sustainable agriculture approach and mindset transformation to disrupt hunger, poverty, and ignorance, fostering holistic development.
Legal Entity Type: Nonprofit/Charity
SDG(s):Clean Water and Sanitation, Decent Work and Economic Growth, End Poverty, Good Health and Well Being, Quality Education, Zero Hunger
Legal Issue(s):
Ustawi Afrika would like to establish a presence in the United States, in order to expand their fundraising efforts. They are seeking a consultation, to ask discrete questions about setting up/operating a nonprofit in the U.S. (e.g., can a board member be a donor; can the founder be a non-US resident). The list of questions can be provided upon request.